This service is brought to you through Cuenin Elevator. With all of our service contracts, we will give you 24/7 service online to be able to check on when, where, and what was done on your equipment. It will inform you if any repairs need to be done, it will tell you exactly what needs to be done and the approximate cost. Once an approval has been given for the repair, it will be able to tell you a time frame, when parts are due to arrive, and when the work is scheduled to start, and finish.
This service also provides you, and your building maintenance personnel access 24/7 to a constantly updated maintenance control log. Information on how to access the maintenance control program will be posted in your machine room. This is Florida code and must be posted in the machine room for inspectors to see. This program can be updated accordingly. Access to the program will be made available in your machine room, so elevator inspectors can check it any time they would like to. A sticker providing the information on how have access to that web-site, devoted to your elevator exclusively, will be available, 24/7, for inspectors, and yourself , as long as you have a contract with Cuenin Elevator Corporation, this service will be included.